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February 7 @ 08:00 - 17:00

Providing one day of in-depth training that takes the attendee through the entire spectrum of the Central California Intelligence Center (CCIC) / Regional Threat Assessment Center (Sac RTAC) Threat Liaison Officer (TLO) program. This course is designed to train TLOs to utilize and maintain a threat-based communication and information exchange network that has national reach. The course will train students to work together in the intelligence gathering mission which is crucial to the war on domestic and international terrorism. This course also trains personnel in methods and techniques used to identify potential terrorist threats and take actions that start the investigative and preventative measures in motion, in a timely manner. The target audience for this class is Law Enforcement, Fire & Military.

REGISTRATION: There is no registration fee. Travel/per diem expenses are the responsibility of the attendee. Registration is via the training calendar on the website www.sacrtac.org. Questions can be directed to the training staff at training@sacrtac.org.

CERTIFICATE: This course is POST certified under Plan IV 1279-20073-24-007. STC# 09062126


February 7
08:00 - 17:00
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Fresno Police Department