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Firearms Ranges

Firearms Ranges
Designed to support multiple training needs.
Facility Features
Designed to support multiple training needs.
- 6 separate 50 yard ranges
- 200 yard rifle range
- Electronic controlled targeting and reaction system
- 3 story sniper tower with multiple level support and rappelling capabilities
- Full featured range house with independent classrooms
- Firearm work area and cleaning stations
- Observation area
Tactical House

Tactical House
A 3-story building designed to meet safety needs.
Facility Features
Designed to meet multiple public needs.
- Allows you to design the interior for any situation.
- Guarantees that no 2 searches are the same.
- The air vented system allow you to fill the building with smoke or tear gas.
- Easily purge it from the facility.
Sniper Tower

Sniper Tower
A 3-story building designed to meet safety needs.
Facility Features
Designed for multi-elevation firearms training.
- With rappelling stations
- Multiple platforms
- Variety of long rifle deployment options
Emergency Vehicle Operations Course

Emergency Vehicle Operations Course
Driving course designed for multiple road condition experiences.
Facility Features
Designed to allow for multiple road condition experiences. The course meets all the current and forthcoming POST standards for EVOC driving.
- Course spans 35 acres
- Includes a pursuit course, 25 degree banked turn, skid pan, computer controlled driver collision avoidance/decision area, and a variety of driving experiences.
- There is also a 10 acre driver awareness area to design and employ any cone configuration you need.
Dedicated to the various driving components to enhance safety while providing the most realistic and beneficial training possible. The course meets all of the current and forthcoming POST standards for EVOC driving.
Classroom & Simulators

Classroom & Simulators
Designed for all types of interactive learning environments.
Facility Features
- The RTC has multiple “smart” classrooms all outfitted with the latest technology.
- Designed for all types of interactive learning environments and are immediately ready for any presenter’s materials.
- Dedicated training area for defensive tactics, arrest and control and other training purposes.
- Fully enclosed with high strength safety mats, multiple heavy bags, and a fully outfitted classroom suite for debriefs or presentations.