Emotional Intelligence for Public Safety
Fresno PD Training Center 6375 W. Central, Fresno, CA, United StatesPOST Plan IV $199 Per Person See attached flyer for more information.
POST Plan IV $199 Per Person See attached flyer for more information.
The course is designed to provide law enforcement officers a solid understanding of the fundamentals of night vision deployment. POST Certified See attached flyer for more information. Register at www.thesiegeworks.com
This 16-hour workshop is for sworn and civilian law enforcement leaders at all levels. This includes leads, trainers, supervisors and managers, The course is POST and STC certified and appropriate for probation and corrections staff. This is also an excellent course for aspiring supervisors. To register: marinconsulting.us
This 24-hour workshop is for both sworn and civilian law enforcement trainers, leads, supervisors and managers, including Probation and Corrections. This is also an excellent course for aspiring supervisors. Presented by Marin Consulting Associates. Registration: marinconsulting.us
See attached flyer for more information or go to www.advancedcombatevolutions.com
For registration or more information: www.advancedcombatevolutions.com or 559-360-0704
Two day course designed to provide instruction to prevent and deter illegal sideshows. To Register: www.tacticalflying.com/events
TASER X26P, X2, TASER 7, TASER 7 CQ instructor certification course. To Register: https://my.axon.com
The course is designed to provide law enforcement officers a solid understanding of the fundamentals of night vision deployment. POST Certified See attached flyer for more information. Register at www.thesiegeworks.com
This training covers all the Frauds including definitions, property entered, values and scenario-based training. To Register: https://fullcircletrainingsolutions.com
This training covers CIBRS specific collections along with California common problems. To Register: https://fullcircletrainingsolutions.com