TLO Basic – CCIC
Providing one day of in-depth training that takes the attendee through the entire spectrum of the Central California Intelligence Center (CCIC) / Regional Threat Assessment Center (Sac RTAC) Threat Liaison […]
Providing one day of in-depth training that takes the attendee through the entire spectrum of the Central California Intelligence Center (CCIC) / Regional Threat Assessment Center (Sac RTAC) Threat Liaison […]
Introducing a training course tailored for individuals who possess a solid foundation in pistol skills and seek to enhance their expertise in using an RDS-equipped pistol. You do not need to […]
To register: or 559-360-0704
The Less Lethal Instructor Program provides the necessary training for a changing world. This course is comprised for four 8-hour instructor-level classes covering QC Aerosols, Impact Munitions, Chemical Munitions and […]